Channel: CAL FIRE Local 2881 Member Site
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  • Chapters will submit their resolutions to their district director by September 1.

  • Resolutions that have been rejected or amended must be returned to their originating chapter by September 10 with a written explanation for such action.
  • The originating chapter will then have until September 20 to rewrite and resubmit the resolution to the district vice president.
  • District vice presidents must have all the resolutions from their district in the hands of the convention resolutions committee chairperson or their designee by seventy five (75) days from the commencement of the convention.  CAL FIRE Local 2881 headquarters will act as the resolutions chairperson and the deadline for receipt of resolutions in headquarters is October 31.
  • The executive board resolutions shall be transmitted to the resolutions committee within five (5) days of the September executive board meeting. Standing committee resolutions are due to the resolutions committee chair on the same date.
  • The resolutions committee chair must return rejected or amended resolutions to the district vice presidents, executive board or standing committee by November 15.

  • Corrected resolutions from the district vice presidents, executive board or standing committees must be returned to the resolutions committee chair by November 20.
  • By December 1, the convention resolutions chairperson will forward to each chapter director, district vice president, member of the CAL FIRE Local 2881 PAC Board, and convention committee chair a resolution packet containing all resolutions, convention rules, current union constitution and Section 1500, Continuing Policies, of the operating procedures handbook.
  • The packet described above will also be posted to the CAL FIRE Local 2881 internet web page, password protected to members only, by October 15.



  • All resolutions must be submitted in writing in the proper format (see example).
  • The resolution must be proposed, accepted and posted (signed and dated by the presiding officer)  at an officially-convened meeting of a chapter, district, committee or the executive board.
  • An intent is to be given on every resolution submitted for consideration at the general convention.
  • Resolutions which propose or require any addition or change to the CDF Firefighters Constitution or Operating Procedures and Policy shall include the specific language proposed (appropriate codification) for them in the Resolved section of the resolution or as an attachment, before they are accepted by the resolution chairperson.
  • Resolutions must comply with Article XI, Section 5, of the constitution.
  • All resolutions having a financial impact will include a statement declaring when the deductions will end as part of the financial impact.
  • Resolutions with per cap increases not involving employee compensation or contract professional services shall include documentation/justification attached to the resolution (if not included in the whereas portion of the resolution).
  • All resolutions having a financial impact and no expiration date will include a statement declaring the deductions will continue indefinitely.
  • The district vice president will post each resolution to the convention resolution committee as it is received.  It will be the responsibility of the district vice president to:

    Check resolutions for proper format.
    Combine like resolutions.
    Reject or amend resolutions that are confusing, misleading or are past policy.

  • Resolutions pertaining to employee compensation (Policy 0350.01) and contract labor pay (Policy 0351.01) are not permissible.





(Committee and number to be assigned later)




JANUARY 15-18, 2014



SUBJECT:                  (Title)


SUBMITTED BY:      (Chapter, District, Executive Board, Standing Committee)


INTENT:                     (Statement as to purpose of resolution)



IMPACT:                    (To be assigned by fiscal steering committee/state finance director)

Sunset Date: __________________ Continues Indefinitely ______

Estimated Annual Revenue: _______________________


WHEREAS, (1)          (Used to point out a condition that does exist); and


WHEREAS, (2)          (Use as many whereas clauses as necessary to point out all the                                                       conditions); therefore be it


RESOLVED, (A)        (The action requested to resolve the condition must be specific and not                                           contradictory); and be it further


RESOLVED, (B)        (If the action cannot be taken care of in the first resolved, additional                                                 resolved clauses may be used).




To Executive Board of Directors__________________ Adopt in Original Form______________


Adopt as Amended ____________ Adopt as a Consolidation of Resolutions_________________


Withdrawn by Author __________________________ Reject ___________________________




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